We Get to Choose

Dr. Chinasa Elue
3 min readAug 29, 2020


“I get to choose!” This is the phrase that echoed in my head as I began to think of the laundry load of things on my to-do list this week. I don’t have to be at the mercy of my list-I can make a choice to focus on what is absolutely necessary and stay the course. The funny thing is I already knew this but it’s the wonder woman in me that wants to do and be all things for all people that leaves me feeling guilty at times when I have to say no. In this ‘aha’ moment, I realized that one simply has to be willing to put down the cape and take a break from it all. So I took a page out of my own book and CHOSE this week instead of allowing the weight of it all to carry me away, to simply focus on three big tasks for each day and let me tell you- the results have been paramount! I have found that in simplifying my days, I actually have more time and energy to do the fun and leisurely things I desire to do more. And in this time where it seems like our plates are piled full with work, caretaking, and other responsibilities, I decided to redistribute the proportions and add in a little more rest.

I am reminded in this moment that being in a hyper-productive society, we may feel like we do not have many options on how to think about the tasks that guide our days. But let me encourage you in saying this- we get to choose what we think about our work and how we get to achieve each task. We don’t have to let our thoughts spiral out of control or get anxious about these things. If there are activities you absolutely love doing, incorporate them in with the tasks that may drain your energy and motivation. For example, I found myself losing steam one day trying to complete a research proposal. I turned on one of my favorite summer tunes, had a little dance-off with the kids, and instantly got a burst of second wind to carry me through the finish line. Although this was the remedy for that particular evening, I also realize that in this season, simply walking away and resuming the next day is a viable strategy as well. A gentle reminder we all need to tack up on our walls is this- there is no need to force things when you have nothing left to give. There is absolutely no judgment we need to pass on ourselves for simply finding ways to survive during these times. So as we continue to move and grove through the valleys and mountains of the year 2020, may we be renewed knowing that we get to CHOOSE and we do not have to be at the mercy of people, events, or the many things that line our calendars each day.



Dr. Chinasa Elue
Dr. Chinasa Elue

Written by Dr. Chinasa Elue

Professor, Career and Business Coach to Academics and Higher Ed Professionals who are ready to package their genius & launch a profitable business.

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